
Omniscope modules come in two forms. Many are full Windows Executable programs, typically written in a language such as C++ or Visual Basic. These languages allow the programmer total control over the way the program looks and acts. However, for many purposes this kind of programming is overkill.

For many routine configuration or test procedures an Omniscope Script is much simpler to write and perfectly adequate for the task. Scripts don't allow the programmer much control over the look of the program, but they provide plenty of RV-C functionality. They are ideal for testing, development, and many configuration tasks.

To create a script you need a plain text editor. Word processors such as Word or Wordpad will insert formatting information into the file which Omniscope can't interpret. Although that data can be stripped from the file with a little effort, it is usually easier just to use a plain text editor such as Notepad instead. Even better is any of the many editors written for programmers, such as UltraEdit.

You create the script with the editor and save it with the .scp extension. If you want the script to appear whenever a particular device is selected you also need to create a companion .rvc file. You run the script like any other module - usually by selecting a device, then clicking on the "Run Module Not Listed Here" button (if you have not created a .rvc file.)

Omniscope will open the Executing Script dialog box, which has two main windows. On the upper half of the box is the Progress window, which displays various messages showing the script's progression. The lower half shows the Monitor window, which displays data values given in the script, and may include "buttons" that the user can click with the mouse to trigger messages or other actions. Other buttons allow the user to abort a script during execution, or restart the script again.

More details on writing a script are given in the articles below.