Martin Perlot of Silver Leaf Electronics proposes the following amendments to:


Bytes 5 to 6, Time Remaining
In Value Definition, change “The expected amount of time before the state of charge reaches 0”, to, “Depending on the value in the Time Remaining Interpretation, the expected amount of time before the state of charge reaches 0 or 100%.”

Add New Field:
Byte 7, Bits 0 to 1 Time Remaining Interpretation
Date Type: uint2
Value Definition: 00b = Time to Empty. 01b = Time to Full. If no value (11b) provided, the value in the Time Remaining field shall be interpreted as Time to Empty.

There is currently no method given of providing an estimated charging time. This scheme does so efficiently, taking advantage of the fact that a battery or DC source can't be both charging and discharging simultaneously (notwithstanding the presence of multiple current sinks and sources).

Good idea, adding to firmware

Good idea, adding to firmware change list, to be implemented in the next release.

Seems reasonable to me.

Seems reasonable to me.